> Goodwill Missions > Newsletter > Zero Carbon Resettlement Project at Kampong Speu – Aug 2013 Issue
Zero Carbon Resettlement Project at Kampong Speu Aug 2013 Issue
Aug 1, 2013 | 0 comments
Dear Friends,
Two years ago, the 76 Cambodian families at the project site were living in canvas shelters. Today, with your help and support some of them have concrete houses they can call home. No more leaking roof and earthen floors for them.
One of the residents, Mr Anh was overjoyed when he made US$500 from his first crop of corn. Two years ago he was making $30 a month. Now, he has income from his crops and his mini provision shop. Your contribution realised his dream of providing a sustainable income for his family of six.
The children are thrilled to come to class every day for English lessons at our new Community Centre.
Our local team updated the Provincial Government on our progress on the resettlement project. The Provincial Government was impressed with the progress and extended their gratitude for supporting their community. They will report to the Ministry.
Cambodian homeless Muslim families
In May, we started our search for Cambodian homeless Muslim families from various Provinces. Forty fortunate homeless Muslim families are now taking temporary shelters at the project site hosted by the families we have settled earlier. While we are helping to process their documents to settle at their new land, we provided some food supplies to ease their stay at the temporary shelters.
Teachers’ Training
Our teachers from Phum Trea and Kampong Speu have recently attended a 7-day Teachers’ Training Workshop in Phnom Penh conducted by Hemispheres Academy from 9 to 15 August 2013. The Workshop sharpened their teaching skills to be professional in their teaching of English to our Cambodian students.
Goodwill Trip – 4 to 8 December 2013
We are organising a goodwill trip from 4 to?8 December 2013 to bond and get to know the settlers at the new village in Kampong Speu. We are bringing fifty students and teachers from Phum Trea Hope Centre to join us. It would be an exciting experience for our young Phum Trea students who have never ventured out of their village. Join us in welcoming and bonding with the new villagers and the young students.
Social Media
Our website will be revamped and will include Facebook page and blog to keep all our friends and partners close to our projects in Cambodia and Vietnam. Be ready to share your views on our Facebook and blog.