During the visit, our water project team installed water filtration systems at two madrasahs – for boys and girls. Senior villagers, Ustad Mat Noh and his team were briefed on how to set up the simple filtration system and to clean the filter cartridges. The students were thrilled to have clean drinking water freely available to them.
They were also allowed to take home a bottle each of filtered drinking water on a daily basis. About 500 villagers enjoyed a first-ever movies creening during our night at Phum Trea. In the midst of their laughing at the antics of Mr Bean, we did a presentation on the importance of clean drinking water. We offered an efficient water filtration system. The cheap filter membrane system which had no operating cost is intended to improve the health of the villagers by providing clean drinking water. Most of the villagers treated by our doctors were diagnosed to have diseases arising from polluted drinking water. We fund and monitor the water purifying membrane system.